The whole San Diego FlowRider Crew got a special treat for the 4th this year! After a long period of product design and development, our 3rd generation FlowRider® Mobile is flowing for the first time. We felt it necessary to take care of the “quality control” portion of the process as a team.
With beach chairs, a proper picnic, some tunes, and our brand new ride, we couldn’t have asked for a better day. Also our team’s ride experience levels range from “Oh, I’ve ridden 1,234,213 times!” to “Where is the rope!?”, so team bonding was abound. People like Adam Muller and Rob Chalfant, who have taught hundreds of people how to ride, were able to “shred” some light on technique to those of us that aren’t as practiced. Luckily the entire ride surface and sidewalls are inflatable, so even wiping out is part of the fun!
The new mobile was born out of the last few versions; we took the great things about the original designs and made them better. As mentioned, the ride now has a fully inflatable ride surface and sidewalls, the containment tank necessitates about half the amount of water, can be set up & broken down twice as fast, still has a super fun exit slide and…. We had a blast! Happy 4th of July! And, by the way, the FlowRider Mobile is ready to roll, again. Just call us!