News, Refurbishments

FlowRider, Inc. Introduces Max Recovery System

FlowRider, Inc. has been the innovator in sheet wave technology for over 20 years, and in the pursuit of safe ride experiences, we have improved the safest recovery system in the business.  Now, introducing our new Max Recovery System. We shall call it MAX!

  • Maximum Drainage
  • Maximum Durability
  • Maximum cushion
  • Maximum softness upon landing and standing
  • And last but certainly not least….Maximum Safety!

Our quest is the never-ending pursuit of fun, and when you ride a FlowRider, you are most likely having a blast, but simultaneously taking on an extreme activity.  An activity in which we prescribe soft landings.  You cannot land on anything softer than on our patented tensioned ride surface or the equally soft and patented inflatable ride surface(s).  When you “wipeout” and are transitioned to the rear recovery, you will not find a softer landing than MAX.

Take a look at the FlowRider diagram here to see where our Max Recovery System is located on the attraction.

Try it, test it, and contact our service experts to install it!
