Prices & Install Details

What is Included in the Purchase of a FlowRider?

Many times, we are asked, “What exactly do I get with the purchase of a stationary wave system?” 

Well, there are tangible assets, as well as intangible. First let’s look at what exactly you will have when the installation is complete.  

For a sheet wave attraction such as a FlowRider, the tangible assets should at a minimum include: 

  1. A fully functioning sheet wave attraction 
  1. A complete training and commissioning of the attraction for your valued staff.  Hopefully, everyone that attends the training will catch the addiction of riding a stationary wave system.  This is the key to any successful venue. 
  1. A set of spare parts: 
  1. Foam and vinyl 
  1. Adhesives 
  1. Heat gun 
  1. Front and rear recovery spare parts for your Recovery System 
  1. Misc tools 
  1. Inflatable repair kit 
  1. Pump for the Flow Fence 
  1. Body boards and standup boards for your attraction 
  1. The inflatable Flow Fence, or divider, that splits the wave in half. 
  1. Safety Signage that should be posted on the wave so patrons can read it before participating 
  1. A Safety Training video that should be watched prior to participation 
  1. An Operations and Procedures Manual (OPM) that you should use as your bible to understand all things about the product you purchased. 

It is important to know what isn’t included. Generally anything that is “local” is not included. These items can be concrete works, heavy machinery like cranes, excavation, filtration, local trades etc. It is not about excluding things but rather, it doesn’t make sense for a company in California to be doing concrete in Florida as an example.  

There are probably a few things that I may have forgotten, but there should be plenty of items left after the installation that will help you in many different circumstances.  It is important, that when a manufacturer leaves spare parts and accessories behind, that you store them in a cool, safe place. 

The intangible assets should include: 

  1. Premium Service – you are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for an attraction – you deserve the best service possible. A team you can count on. 
  1. Digital Marketing assets – to include access to all OPMs, waivers, signage, logos, and imagery and video that have been copywrite released for publication 
  1. Promotion of your site through a manufacturer’s web sites and social media – to help you in building recognition in the community for your venue 
  1. A brand you can be proud of 
  1. A company you enjoy doing business with and that are partners in your success 

When shopping for a stationary wave system, these items should all be considered.  How quickly and effectively do the suppliers respond and what is the quality of that response?  It’s your money so spend wisely and enjoy the ride. 


