
WOW – What a year!!

WOW – What a year!!  Let FlowRider make your (holi)days special

The beat goes on with FlowRider, as we continue to provide the joy of riding waves throughout the world.  With over 20 FlowRider installations in 2014, we are truly the company that brings FUN globally. At last count we had 182 sheet waves installed and our momentum has never been greater as we deliver fun and adrenaline to those who seek it!!

Back in the beginning of the year, Whitewater West (WWI) acquired the Intellectual property and brand of FlowRider® from Wave Loch LLC, and since then, the traction and direction in the organization has been incredible.  The Northern lights of WWI has allowed us to illuminate, and continue the FlowRider development in every way possible.

Case in point – Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines commissioned two more cruise ship attractions this year, with five more coming.  What does that tell you about the FlowRider in the Hotel industry?  With ten now in service on Royal Caribbean’s mega floating hotels, they are true believers in the surfing experience.  They put the most extreme demands on our product, running more hours than any other venue(s).  When they say “Refurbish our FlowRider?” we respond by asking, “How fast?”  We they said “Can you refurbish an entire wave in 3 days?” we responded, “Why of course!”  WOW, and we did it!

But is doesn’t stop there.  We installed the ultimate surfing experience across the planet, from the world class resort of the Boca Resort and Sport Club (Flow House Boca Raton), across the US (North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas x 2, California x2, Kansas City, MO, Indiana), down to Cancun, and Puerto Rico, onward to China, Thailand and the Philippines, Ireland, Abu Dhabi….. it goes on and on and we hope we aren’t boring you, but the reality is, we have the best product on the planet, with new technologies emerging every day.  We aren’t afraid to try outside of the box ideas and our ability to respond is unparalleled.  We set the tone and the standard.  We promote and operate the sport of flowboarding world-wide, put vast resources into growing the community of flowboarders, create the greatest boards in the industry, devote resources to web enablement, on line retail – get the picture?  Has the light bulb gone on yet?  Our products are often imitated, but NEVER duplicated and if you want the best, you will have to “shine” the rest.

The greatest compliment is smiling faces, and based upon the number of waves in the pipeline for 2015, we believe there are going to be many.  Our goal?  To be “fun brokers”.  We have fun.  We work hard, play hard, surf, skate and snow – it is encouraged.  Many of the first words spoken in the morning are “good morning (fill in the blank), where did you surf today?”  We love it, we live it, and we want to share the stoke with you.  We have a humble office that is steaming with work product – new product ideas, new web ideas, new manufacturing ideas…. I guess I need to go online and use a thesaurus for the word idea because this is getting redundant, but here is another good idea….

Have a wonderful Holiday Season, because we will, and we love to partner in everything we do.  Northwest swell filling in for Christmas Eve – 6-10 ftwaves on the horizon.  Now that is our idea for FUN!!
