There is a brand new FlowRider® Single inside a brand new YMCA in the southeast quadrant of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. Well, it’s opening REALLY soon! In fact, our very own Rob Chalfant is there now so that he can train their staff. Rob’s job while he is there is to teach the staff everything they need to know about daily, weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance & operation. He will make sure that the new staff can ride proficiently and also that they are equipped to teach Y members how to ride. This training will take place over 2 days and will probably be capped off by Rob showing the new Y staff some fun flowboard tricks!
It’s not just any YMCA, by the way – it’s the WORLD’S largest. This is a Calgary-city built facility, called Brookfield Residential YMCA at Seton, is 330,000 square feet! There are 2 multipurpose ice rinks, a ton of free weight areas, a public library with a helicopter inside (we know!?!), a few huge competition pools, a full on waterpark, plenty of gymnasium space, a theater & arts studio, a day care facility, and of course the teen-magnet – the FlowRider!
When the developers in this community set out to plan this project, the goal was to serve the surrounding community with a clean, safe, healthy, and uplifting place to spend time. Did those developers spend millions to reach (and quite possibly exceed) their goal? Yes, they did; they spent $193M CAD on this beautiful facility. We are looking forward to see how the sport of flowboarding will bring a whole other level of community within this community in the coming years.
This video is just a rendering, but you will be an idea of how state of the art this place actually is shaping up to be:
We are all a little jealous of Rob at the moment because this place looks AWESOME and we want to ride, but we don’t envy the -16° C weather he has to deal with! Brrrrr…..
Regardless, welcome to the Flow Family, YMCA Seton!