Flowboarders Flock to FlowRider in Western Washington!
It appears as though Snohomish Aquatic Center’s FlowRider® has gained popularity since its opening in January. Eager surfers from Vancouver, British Columbia, to the Washington border, are flocking to this new FlowRider not only because of the positive reputation it is gaining, but also because the Snohomish Aquatic Center is the only place with this surf machine in Western Washington. The only other places nearby that contain these FlowRider simulated wave machines are waterparks and private resorts in Oregon.
The devoted surfers and fans who use this machine call themselves the PNW FlowRiders and they even have a Facebook page showing their dedication to the sport-https://www.facebook.com/groups/795733343774545/. From its’ slow beginnings of small crowds, this indoor surfing simulator now has multiple dedicated “surfers” at each open session with weekends continually being sold out. Although it may appear intimidating at first, athletes of all ages have learned that there is no reason to be apprehensive when riding as the patented tensioned ride surface absorbs fall like a trampoline. The FlowRider has proven to be contagious because the more people that are exposed to this fun, new activity, the more that are willing to try it. It is a skill based activity that keeps the board sports enthusiast coming back for more. Other than the out-of-towners riding the FlowRider, there is also an uprising of flowboarders renting out Snohomish’s simulator for hours at a time in order to train for FlowRider’s competition circuit – the FLOW Tour. The Snohomish Aquatic Center is even considering running their own competitive events after familiarizing themselves with the core elements of FlowRider operations.
The revenue generated by the FlowRider surf simulator is not known at the moment, but it can be guaranteed that this will change over time. Currently, it costs at least $14 for children and teens to come into the center and surf, but more for an adult. Due to the fact that the FlowRider is unique to the area, it is gaining popularity between children, teens, and even adults, especially because these participants get the surfing experience without having to travel far to the beach. With the sport of flowboarding gaining popularity between all ages, the FlowRider creates the ultimate family bonding experience that is safe And fun for everyone!!
To learn more:
Snohomish Aquatic Center- www.snohomishaquatic.com