Flow House Bangkok has topped the list once again on TripAdvisor! Not only are they #5 of 77 things to do in Bangkok in the Fun & Games category in Bangkok, but they are one of TripAdvisor’s Certificate of Excellence recipients. After only operating for 4 years, Flow House Bangkok is really stepping it up for their immediate community as well as the international flowboarding community. TripAdvisor gives a Certificate of Excellence to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently earn great reviews from travelers (source: www.tripadvisor.com)
“It’s a great honor for Flow House Bangkok to receive this award. We wanted to create a unique destination in Bangkok that could be enjoyed by not only the locals, but also benefit the Thai tourism industry as a whole. This recognition from TripAdvisor will help inform more people that now there is an awesome beach club location in the middle of this great city!” – Mr. Jay Bunnag, Flow House Bangkok Partner/Co-Owner
Flow House Bangkok is and always has been a shining example of a successful, very involved and fun FlowRider venue! We encourage all of you that live in or near Bangkok or plan to visit the area to drop in to Flow House Bangkok. You won’t be disappointed in their always-buzzing, awesome beach environment right in the middle of the city!
See Ya on the Wave!